ArkivDigital announced yesterday that many of the church books that they photographed this past summer in the Midwest are now available through their subscription service.
The Pleasant Hill War Savings Society
After watching “The Great War” on PBS this week, I realized the significance of some notes in one of Great-Grandmother Lola’s ledger books, involving both the Frasier and the Pearson families.
A.G. Brodd’s lasting legacy of kindness
I can’t walk away from the story of A.G. Brodd’s desertion from the Swedish army without a follow-up story about the great kindness this man showed to his kids and which they, in turn, showed to each other. Get your hankies ready.
Elusive Olsons
I’m back on the trail of the Olson family of the “Mystery Postcard” fame. I’m curious whatever happened to Eulie’s parents, his step-father Hakan and his mother Bengta. Bengta was the sister of my great-great-grandmother Johanna Pearson.
Bits and pieces
I continue to make little genealogical discoveries here and there – time for an update!