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Everett James obituary - Topeka Capital-journal
Everett Eugene "Peachy" James, 77, Carbondale, died Wednesday, March 18, at a Topeka hospital. He had been ill four months.
Mr. James was sexton of Carbondale Cemetery many years. He also drove a bus for Carbondale schools
and Santa Fe Trail High School 21 years.
He was an independent contractor and had built several buildings and laid foundations for many buildings in the Carbondale area.
He was an Army veteran of World War II, having served in Europe. He participated in the campaigns for
the Ardennes, Central Europe, Normandy, Northern France, and Rhineland and the Battle of the Bulge.
He was born Nov. 17, 1909, at Carbondale, the son of George Grant and Rachel Ella Vail James. He at-
tended Carbondale schools and spent his life in Carbondale.
Mr. James attended Grace Chapel in Carbondale. He was a member of Anderson-Raible Post No. 239 of the
American Legion at Overbrook and Edward Ted Rowe Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 2709 at Scranton
and was a charter member of the Carbondale Volunteer Fire Department.
He was married to Mildred Fern Carey Sept. 15, 1954, at Oskaloosa, Iowa. She survives.
Other survivors include a son, William Eugene James, Carbondale; a brother, John James, Berryton; and
a granddaughter.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Friday in Grace Chapel at Carbondale. Burial will be in Ridgeway Cemetery
near Carbondale. Mr. James will lie in state from 4 until 9 p.m. today at Greenwood-Roberts Funeral Home in Overbrook and afternoon Friday at the church. Relatives and friends will meet from 6 until p.m. today at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to Grace Chapel in Carbondale.
File name | 1987-03-18 Everett Johnson obituary Topeka Capital-Journal.jpg |
File Size | 1.74m |
Dimensions | 3055 x 5395 |
Linked to | Everett James (Death) |
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