Matches 1 to 50 of 145 » See Gallery
# | Thumb | Description | Info | Linked to |
1 | ![]() | 01 Apr 1894 Carl Herman Brodd confirmation photo Confirmation Class Lutheran Church 1894 On April 1, 1894 the above class was confirmed at the Swedeburg Lutheran Church. The man seated in the center is the pastor, Rev. J. Torell, one of the best men who ever came to this country. He was one of the early supporters of Luther College. He came to this country in 1888. Left to right (back row): Minnie Helsing Isaacson, Emily Anderson, Albert Gustafson, Victor Hedlund, Mary Anderson (Mrs. Axel Nelson, Ceresco), and Ellen Johnson (Mrs. Willie Bengston). Front row: Lilly Bengston (Mrs. Herman Brodd), Hanna Louis (Mrs. Dr. Woeppel), Rev. J. Torell, C.H. Brodd and Theodore Brostrom. (This newspaper clipping was not contemporary, it is retrospective from unknown paper, unknown date) | ||
2 | ![]() | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. | ||
3 | ![]() | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. | ||
4 | ![]() | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. | ||
5 | ![]() | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. | ||
6 | ![]() | 02 Aug 1957 Carl Herman Brodd obituary Lincoln Evening Journal BRODD - C. Herman Brodd, age 77, of Ceresco died Friday. Survivors: wfie, Lillie, sons Virgi, Boise, Idaho; Richard, Ceresco, Lawrence, Lincoln; Kenneth, Wichita, Kansas; 14 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren; brother, August, Ceresco; sisters, Mrs. Anna Walin and Mrs. Clara Pearson of Ceresco. Services Tuesday 10 a.m. Immanuel Lutheran Church, Ceresco. Rev. Nels Olson officiating. Burial Swedeburg. | ||
7 | ![]() | 02 Feb 1912 Jeanette Whitehouse Obituary Houston Valley Signal Jeannette Campbell was born Sept. 25th, 1924 at Krief [sic] Scotland, died Jan. 21, 1912. At the early age of seven years she came with her parents to this country. On Aug 28th 1842 she was united in marriage to Stowell Whitehouse. After a few years they emigrated from New York to Minnesota, coming here in the early fifties. Four children were born to them, three of whom are living. The husband and father passed away first, since which time the mother has been living among her children, her last home being with her son Chas. in this village. At an early age she became idenfied with the M.E. church at Money Creek, of which she was a consistent member up to the time of her death. She died as she had lived, a true Christian. Always sympathetic and with a kind word for everyone; and when the gloom was thickest and sorrow pressed the hardest her kind words and cheery laugh never failed. The writer has known her for many, many years and we know whereof we speak. She was stricken with pneumonia and only lived one week despite every attendance. Funeral services were conducted by REv. F. C. Bailey, first at her home, also in the Methodist Episcopal church, Money Creek, and then the body was conveyed to beautiful Evergreen Cemetery and laid to rest beside that of her husband. The figure of Grandma Whitehouse will be missed but the geain was her's and may she rest in peace. | ||
8 | ![]() | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. | ||
9 | ![]() | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. | ||
10 | ![]() | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. | ||
11 | ![]() | 03 Oct 1946 Malvern Leader Effie Graves death SERVICES HELD FOR MRS. EFFIE N. GRAVES Resident of Mills County 54 Years Died in Hospital Death took another of Malvern's older residents Monday night when Mrs. Effie Nora Graves died at the Edmundson hospital in Council Bluffs. Mrs. Graves had been a resident of Mills county for 54 years and had made her home in Malvern for 42 years. She had been taken to the hospital Saturday evening after she becae ill earlier in the day. Her death resulted from a heart condition aggravated by a cold and internal complications. Funeral services for Mrs. graves were held Thursday at the Mansfield Funeral Home with Rev. L.C. Hall and Rev. Wm. F. Baker officiating. Music for the service was furnished by Mrs. Paul Seeger accompanied by Mrs. Roy Donner. Caring for the flowers were Mrs. Belle Allely, Mrs. Vaughn Hoover and Mrs. C. E. Nagel. Casket bearers were nephews of the deceased and were Glenn Timmons of Omaha, Russell Timmons of Valley Neb., Rex Timmons of Macedonia, Otto Timmons of Harlan, Bernice Jones of Council Bluffs and Lawrence Jones of Malvern. Mrs. Graves, the daughter of Salathiel and Lydia Timmons was born Sept. 9, 1868 in Cole county Ill. She moved with her family to Boone county, Iowa in 1881 and then to Mills county in 1888. She received her early schooling in rural schools of those two counties. Her family came from their farm, the place now owned by B. J. Lookabill north of Malvern, to this community in 1904. On Feb. 19, 1910, she was married to U.R. Graves and they established their home in north Malvern, continuing to occupy this house until her death. Mr. Graves died only a little more than a year ago. Her only brother, Chas. F. Timmons, passed away in March 1935. Mr. and Mrs. Graves had one son, Ellis, now of Council Bluffs, who with his wife and some nieces and nephews are the only surviving relatives. Mrs. Graves has long been a member of the Methodist church and for a number of years was a member of the O.E.S. here. | ||
12 | ![]() | 05 Jul 1940 Hulda Hanson obituary Lincoln Star Mrs. Hulda Hanson, Long Time Resident Of Swedeburg, Dies CERESCO, Neb., July 6 - Funeral services for Mrs. Hulda Hanson, 65, lifelong resident of the Swedeburg vicinity, who died in a Lincoln hospital yesterday, will be held at 1:30 o'clock Monday afternoon at the home here and at 2 o'clock at the Covenant church, with Rev. T.A. Thompson officiating. Burial will be in the Fridhem cemetery at Swedeburg. The widow of Edward C. Hanson, retired farmer and merchant, Mrs. Hanson was a member of the Swedeburg and Ceresco Covenant churches. She was born at Swedeburg. Surviving are seven daughters, Miss Mabel and Mrs. Clarinda Rudeen, both of Ceresco, Mrs. Ruth Nordgren of Los Angeles, Miss Esther of Princeton, Ill., Mrs. Edna Bachman and Mrs. Frances Ahlquist, both of Chicago, and Mrs. Bernice Young of Omaha; three sons, Lewis of Cheyenne, Hugo of Los Angeles, and Clifford of Omaha; three sisters, Mrs. H.F. Carlson and Mrs. Ida Mostrom, both of Ceresco, and Miss Matilda Martinson of Chicago; a brother nels Martinson of Mead; and 12 grandchildren. | ||
13 | ![]() | 05 May 1932 Charlie Whitehouse Obituary Pioneer Business Man Passes Away Chas. Vance Whitehouse, resident of Houston since 1879, Passes Away Saturday April 30th The Grim Destroyer, Death, always an unbidden and unwelcome visitor, made a call at one of the happy homes in our village late last Saturday afternoon, April 30th, leaving it lonely and grief stricken and creating a vacant place that can never be filled. Reference is made to the death of Mr. Charles Vance Whitehouse a resident and business man of our village for the past fifty years. Deceased was born in Money Creek on July 25, 1857, and at the time of his death had reached the age of seventy-four years, nine months and five days. He grew to manhood in Money Creek and on September 4, 1870, he was united in marriage to Miss Idella Robertson of this village. Their married life extended over a period of 53 years, all but one year of which was spent in this village. A bright memory in the life of Mr. and Mrs. Whitehouse was the celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary. The first year of their married life was spent in Money Creek, they then moving to this village where Mr. Whitehouse operated a restaurant for one year but on account of ill health he was forced to give up the business and for a year did not work. In 1882, just fifty years ago, he opened a barber shop in Houston which he operated alone until his son, A.M. Whitehouse, was taken in as a partner, the most senior member retiring from acive work about four years ago when his health failed. "Charle" as he was known to all, was a lover of nature and much of his spare time was spent in the nearby woods or streams, in hunting or fishing. He gained wide reaching fame for the training of bird dobs and his services were eagerly sought by local as well as distant sportsmen. He has always been keenly identified with all out-door sports whether it was horse racing, base ball, or any other form of sport and has given much of his time to promoting these activities. For long years he held the position of assessor in our village, and his faitheful discharge of the important duties of this office and the esteem in which he was held is conclusively shown by the number of times he was elected to that position. Mr. Whitehouse was a man of pleasing personality and had a cheerful word for all whom he met. He was a man who always looked on the bright side of life and his kindly companionship will be sadly missed by those who were used to meeting him in the daily walks of life. By his death his family loses a kind and affectionate husband and father and the community in which he lived for more than fifty years a good citizen and an excellent neighbor. The deceased is survived by his sorrowing widow, three sons and three daughters, namely, A.M. Whitehouse, Houston; Mrs. R.J. Butler, Andover, Ohio; Mrs. Geo. Laugen, Houston; Mrs. N.A. hanson, St. Paul; Allen and Kenneth Whitehouse, Houston, all of whom were present at the funeral. Seven grandchildren also survive. In tribute of their fellow citizen who had for the past many years been one of their co-workers, local business man closed their establishments from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, the hour of the services. Funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon from the Whitehouse home in the village, Rev. C. S. McKinney of Caledonia officiating. The services at the grave in the Money Creek cemetery were in charge of the local Masonic Lodge of which the deceased had long been a member. Our Beloved Dead "Not dead but sleeping Night came releasing them from labor When a hand from out of darkness Touched them and they slept." | ||
14 | ![]() | 07 Jun 1945 Mae Nelson Allen obituary Nebraska State Journal Mrs. Mae Allen, Denton, is dead Mrs. Mae Allen, formerly of Denton, Neb., died Thursday in Houston, Tex., where she had been living the last three years. She was a Denton resident for 13 years. Surviving are her husband, Harry; two daughters, Elaine and Annabell, at home; three brothers, Melvin Nelson, Lincoln, Rudolph Nelson, Lyman, Neb., and Raymond Nelson, San Diego, Calif.; three sisters, Mrs. Oscar Jones, Osceola, Neb., Mrs. Garfield Moline, Mead, Neb., and Mrs. Richard Peterson, Ceresco, Neb.; a sister-in-law, Mrs. Laura Murphy, Waverly, Neb. Funeral services and burial were at Houston Saturday. | ||
15 | ![]() | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. | ||
16 | ![]() | 09 May 1946 Hilma Brodd Obituary Nebraska State Journal BRODD Mrs. Hilma Brodd, age 70, died Thursday morning in her home near Ceresco. She is survived by her husband, August, four sons, Herbert, Harold, Carl of Ceresco and Evald of Wahoo; four daughters, Emeline, Ella, Ethel of Ceresco and Mrs. Edith Jasa of Omaha; one brother, Herman Nelson of Wahoo, tow sisters, Mrs. Matilda aksen of Fremont and Mrs. Selma Danielson, of Swedeburg. | ||
17 | ![]() | 10 Apr 1910 News Snippet - Manhattan Daily Nationalist Ed Hanson and wife of Ceresco, Neb., came down on Friday evening for a visit with relatives and friends here and at Rose Hill and Walsburg. | ||
18 | ![]() | 10 Jun 1973 Melvin and Opal Nelson 50th Anniversary Lincoln Star The Melvin Nelsons Mr. and Mrs. Melvin R. Nelson Sr. (Opal Beck) will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. next Sunday at Gateway Auditorium. Friends may attend without invitation. The couple was married June 20, 1923 in Lincoln. Their daughters Mmes. Gary Briggs (Darlene) of Minneapolis, David Sutter (Marjorie) and Le Roy Hofker (Roberta). Their sons are Archie Nelson and Dale Nelson, both of Denver, and Melvin R. Nelson Jr. of Milwaukee, Wis. They have 27 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. | ||
19 | ![]() | 10 Mar 1879 Death of son of H Olson Wahoo Wasp 13 Mar 1879, page 3 col 2 Mr. H. Olson, four miles south of town, lost a son, two years old, Monday morning. He died of scarlet fever. | ||
20 | ![]() | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. | ||
21 | ![]() | 11 Jul 1964 Lille Bengston Obituary Lincoln Star BRODD - Mrs. Herman (Lillie), 87, 4322 St. Paul, died Saturday. Survivors: sons, Virgil of Boise, Idaha, Richard of Lincoln, Kenneth of Oklahoma City, Okla.; brother, Emil Benson of Lincoln; sister, Mrs. Esther Trued of Deland, Fla.; 14 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren. | ||
22 | ![]() | 11 Mar 1955 Elton Brodd and Merva Hansen wedding announcement Lincoln Star Hansen-Brodd Miss Merva Lee Hansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hansen of Ceresco, and Elton Brodd, son of Mrs. Fred Olson of Swedeburg, were married March 11 in the Methodist Church of Alton, Ill. Attending the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schmer. Mrs. and Mrs. Brodd are at home at 3060 T. | ||
23 | ![]() | 11 Nov 1916 News Snippet - Manhattan Daily Nationalist Mr. and Mrs. Albert Peterson and Elliot visited Mrs. Peterson's brother, Ed Hanson and family at Ceresco, Nebraska, from Friday until Monday. | ||
24 | ![]() | 12 Nov 1914 News Snippet - Manhattan Daily Nationalist E.C. Hanson and Alfonso Carlson of Ceresco, Nebr., have been visiting relatives here a few days. | ||
25 | ![]() | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. | ||
26 | ![]() | 13 Mar 1935 Charles F Timmons obituary Funeral Rites for Chas. F. Timmmons Charles F. Timmons, formerly well know resident of Mills county, died in the Immanuel hospital in Omaha March 13 just a week after he had gone there for treatment. He had been in ill health for more than a year and he and his wife had but recently returned from Hot Springs, Ark. where he had been for treatment. Death was due to hardening of the arteries and pneumonia. Funeral services were held in the First Baptist church in Valley, Nebr., Friday afternoon, March 15, and the large church was filled to overflowing with relatives and friends from far and near for he was well and widely known. The services were conducted by Dr. M.G. Dametz, pastor of the Presbyterian church, assisted by Rev. Roy Larson, pastor of the Baptist church, and Rev. John Hammel, pastor of the Methodist church. Mr. Timmons and family moved to Valley just 20 years ago, locating on their farm two miles north of Valley where they have resided since. He had been an elder in the Presbyterian church at Valley for the past 15 years and was a faithful attendant. Prior to affiliating with the Presbyterian church Mr. Timmons had been a member of the Methodist church for 38 years in which he also held official office. Mr. Timmons was born in Coles County, Ill., Jan. 17, 1861. He married Miss Emily Bass at Malvern, Ia., Dec. 18, 1888. They resided in Mills County until 1907 when they moved to Ashland, Nebr., and in 1914 came to Valley. Surviving are the wife and their six children: Otto S. of Newman Grove, Mrs. Lola Frasier of Ceresco, Ivan P. of Valley, and Glenn M. of Omaha. There are also 16 grandchildren and on sister, Mrs. U.R. Graves, of Malvern, Ia. The five sons and one son-in-law, Alex Frasier, served as pall bearers. Serving as honorary pall bearers were the elders of the Presbyterian Church: E.S. King, J.F. Foster, T.F. Green, I.W. Presba, J.V. Lentell, and Ed Lewis. Interment was in Prospect Hill cemetery. | ||
27 | ![]() | 14 Mar 1923 Wedding Clarinda Hanson to Lawrence Rudeen Ceresco Courier Hanson-Rudeen The marriage of Miss Clarinda Hanson to Mr. Lawrence Rudeen took place March 14, at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hanson. Rev. G. N. Tegnell performed the ceremony in the presence of about seventy guests. Before the ceremony, Miss Dorothy Toren of Lincoln sang "O Promise Me" and after the ceremony Miss Hilda Anderson of Lincoln sang "Beloved, It is Morn." Mrs. Carl Berg of Havelock presided at the piano. The bridal couple entered to the strains of Lohengrin's march attended by Miss Esther Hanson, sister of the bride, as maid of honor and Carl Mostrom, cousin of the bride, as best man. Little Clifford Hanson acted as flower boy and carried a basket of sweet peas. The bride wore a gown of white broadcloth crepe. She wore a veil which was beautifully decorated with orange blossoms and lily of the valley. She carried a boquet of white roses. The bridesmaid wore a dress of green crepe de chine and carried pink roses. After congratulations and a short program a three-course luncheon was served. The newly weds received a number of beautiful gifts. Miss Elvie Boyles of weeping Water, a schoolmate of the bride while at the Nebraska University, was in charge of the gift room. The couple will make their home on the farm formerly occupied by the groom. | ||
28 | ![]() | 14 Nov 1940 Fritz Pearson obituary Lincoln Evening Journal Fritz Pearson, long resident of Ceresco, dies Funeral services for Fritz Pearson, 55, who died at his home in Ceresco, Neb., Thursday morning, will be held at 1:30 p.m. Saturday in the Ceresco Lutheran church. The Rev. A.H. Peterson will officiate. Born in Weston, Neb., on April 17, 1885, Pearson lived either there or at Ceresco all his life. He was engaged in the farming and trucking businesses. Surviving are: two daughters, Mrs. William Schall, of California, and Mrs. Harold Larson, of Davey, Neb.; two brothers, Oscar, of Swedeburg, Neb., and Ernest, of Waverly, Neb.; two sisters, Mrs. Lena Peterson, of Plainville, Mich., and Mrs. Lydia Powers [sic], of Encampment, Wyo. Burial will be in Mount Zion cemetery. | ||
29 | ![]() | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. | ||
30 | ![]() | 15 Aug 1946 Norman Pearson Marcella Brighton wedding | ||
31 | ![]() | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. | ||
32 | ![]() | 15 Jul 1939 Clemens Brodd death CLEMENS BRODD, 32, SWEDEBURG, DIES SATURDAY Clemens Brodd, 32, living four miles north of Ceresco, died at his home last Saturday. The body is at Joe Nelson's mortuary, Ceresco, pending funeral arrangements. Clemens Ferdinand Brodd, was born near Ceresco, Nebr., August 8, 1907. The 20th of February, 1930 he married Miss Florence Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nils Johnson of Ceresco. Three children were born to the Brodds: Elton Wallace, Keith Elwood and Clemens Ferdinand, Jr. Mr. Brodd pass away at his home five miles north of Ceresco, Saturday afternoon, July 15, 1939, at the age of 31 years, 11 months and 8 days. He is survived by his wife, Florence, and the three boys; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brodd; four brothers, Virgil, Richard, Lawrence and Kenneth; many other relatives and a host of friends. Our departed friend was brought up in a God-fearing home. At the age of fifteen he was confirmed by Rev. C.O. Granlund in the Immanuel Lutheran Church, Ceresco. He was a member of said church at the time of his death. Mr. and Mrs. Brodd had a beautiful home life. Love reigned supreme. The bereaved wife told us the other day that a hard word had never been spoken in their home. This makes the parting all the harder. We sympathize with the sorrowing. May God comfort them and give them grace and strength day by day. Rev. Peterson Clipping from unknown newspaper. | ||
33 | ![]() | 15 Jul 1939 Clemens Brodd Obituary Lincoln Star BRODD, CLEMENS FERDINAND - Funeral services for Mr. Brodd, 32, who died July 15, at his home near Ceresco, will be held at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the Ceresco Lutheran church, with Rev. A.H. Peterson officiating. Burial in the Swedeburg Lutheran cemetery. Surviving are his wife, Florence, three sons, Elton, Keith and Clemens Mr., all at home; his parents, Mrs. and Mrs. C.H. Brodd of Ceresco; and four brothers, Virgil of Boise, Ida., Richard of Omaha, and Lawrence and Kenneth, both of Ceresco. | ||
34 | ![]() | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. | ||
35 | ![]() | 15 Nov 1938 Willard Pearson birth Nebraska State Journal Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W. Pearson of Ceresco, announce the birth of a son, Willard Elmer, Tuesday at Lincoln General hospital. Mrs. Pearson was formerly Miss Sophia A.E. Heiser. | ||
36 | ![]() | 16 Apr 1966 Lincoln Star Roscoe Frasier death OUT OF TOWN FRASIER - Roscoe E., 77, Ceresco, died Friday. Survivors: Sons, Edwin of Ceresco, Marvin of Omaha; daughters, Mrs. Elma [sic] Pearson of Ceresco, Mrs. Vivian Rudeen of Albuquerque, New Mex., brother, Clarence of Lincoln; sisters Mrs. Mabel Williamson of Lincoln, Mrs. Myrtle Hrubesky of Geneva; 12 grand-children; four great-grandchildren. Services: 2.p.m. Monday, Methodist Church, Ceresco. | ||
37 | ![]() | 16 Apr 1975 Ruth Brodd Obituary Idaho Free Press Ruth T. Brodd MERIDIAN - Services for Ruth T. Brodd, 71, of Boise, formerly of Meridian, who died Wednesday morning at a Boise hospital, will be conducted at 2:30 p.m. Friday at Robison Chapel of the Chimea, Meridian, by the Rev. Richard Simpson and Canon Bob Stelling. Interment will be at Meridian Cemetery. She was born on Aug. 19, 1903, in Red Oak, Iowa. She came to Idaho with her family in 1908 and they settled in the Meridian area. She married Gerald Records on Nov. 27, 1922 in Meridian. He died in 1951 and she married Virgil Brodd on Feb. 27, 1954, in Boise. The couple lived in Holland for six months and then returned to Boise, where they had since resided. She was a member of St. Michael's Cathedral, Boise; of the Iris Temple Daughters of the Nile, and of the Meridian Order of Eastern Star, No. 62, where she was a past matron. Surviving are her husband of Boise; tow sons, Stanley Records and Kenneth Records, both of Meridian; a daughter, Wilma Ellensohn, Meridian; two stepdaughters, Marilyn Gran, La Mesa, Calf., and Carla Powell, Paradise, Calif.; a sister, Dorothy Maybach, Santa Cruz, Calif.; 13 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Memorials may be made to the Elks Rehabilitation Hospital or the Mountain States Tumor Institute, or flowers may be sent. | ||
38 | ![]() | 16 Jul 1939 The Nebraksa State Journal FARMER KILLS SELF WAHOO, Neb. (AP). Sheriff L.D. Mengel said Clemens Brodd, 32, a farmer six miles south of Wahoo, shot himself near the heart on the highway in front of his farm home Saturday. A neighbor found his body. Brodd took his wife to a Lincoln hospital Friday for treatment. Other survivors are two small sons, his parents, and four brothers. | ||
39 | ![]() | 16 Jun 1959 Lola Frasier death Lincoln Evening Journal OUT-OF-TOWN FRASIER - Lola Ethel Frasier. 67, of Ceresco, died Sunday. Survivors: husband, Roscoe; daughters, Mrs. Thelma Pearson of Ceresco, and Mrs. Vivian Rudeen of Albuquerque, New Mexico; sons, Edwin of Ceresco, and Marvin of Omaha; brothers, Otto Timmons of Harland, Ia.; Rex Timmons of Granada Hills, Calif.; Russell Timmons of Pender, Neb.; Glenn Timmons of Omaha. Services Wednesday 2 p.m., Methodist Church, Ceresco, the Rev. LaVern. Memorial to Methodist Church. Nelson's, Ceresco. | ||
40 | ![]() | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. | ||
41 | ![]() | 17 Jul 1919 News Snippet - The Manhattan Republic L.A. Hanson returned Saturday from Ceresco, Neb., after visiting his brother, Edward, and family. | ||
42 | ![]() | 18 Dec 1938 - Edward A. Frasier obituary The Nebraska State Journal, Sun. Dec 18, 1938, page 16 Edward A. Frasier Edward Alexander Frasier was born Jan. 21, 1958 at Buffalo, Wis., and died at his home in Ashland Dec. 10, 1938 after an illness of over two years. He came to Emrerson, Ia., at the age of 16. In the spring of 1880 he went to West Ashland community and had made this home since. In 1890 he and his family moved to their present home. He took a great interest in civic affairs and was active in promoting anything for the betterment of his community. He took great pride in his home and family, and was a devoted husband and father. April 1, 1886 he married Ida Black. To them were born three sons, and four daughters. One daughter died in infancy. Surviving are his wife ida; Chester A. of Grinnell, Ia., Roscoe E. of Ceresco; Nellie I. at home, Mabel M. Williamson and Clarence C. of Lincoln, and Myrtle R. Hrubesky of Geneva; 11 grandchildren and three great grandchildren; two sisters Miss Ella Frasier and Mrs. Margarette Pierce of Lincoln; many other relatives and a host of friends. On April 1, 1936 Mr. and Mrs. Frasier celebrated their golden wedding with open house for relatives and friends. | ||
43 | ![]() | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. | ||
44 | ![]() | 18 Jul 1967 Roberta Nelson Leroy Hofker wedding Nebraska State Journal Hofker-Nelson Miss Roberta Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Nelson of Lincoln, became the bride of LeRoy Nelson [sic], son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hofker on July 18 at the Christian Missionary Alliance Tabernacle in Havelock. Mrs. Kenneth Federle played the wedding music and accompanied Miss Lucille Maxwell who played the xylophone and Miss Elain Madsen who sang. Miss Delores Peterson lighted the candles. The bride wore a gown of white marquiset and a finger tip veil. Her bouquet was of white carnations and red roses. He maid of honor, Miss Deloras Hofker, sister of the bride-groom, wore a peach colored gown and carried a bouquet of pink and white flowers. Erwin Mulhow served as best man and Melvin Nelson, Jr., carried the rings. A reception was held at the activity center. Mr. Hofker has been recenlty discharged after two years of service in the army. The couple will reside in Lincoln. | ||
45 | ![]() | 18 Jul 1967 Roberta Nelson Leroy Hofker wedding Nebraska State Journal - part 2 | ||
46 | ![]() | 18 Nov 1947 Mayor Elmer Pearson opposes liquor license Lincoln Star Controversy Rages Over Beer Permit Many Of Ceresco Citizens Involved More than 100 interested citizens of Ceresco and vicinity attended a hearing before the state liquor control commission Tuesday on the application of Adolph Wotipka for a beer license outside the city limits. The application, approved by a 4 to 2 vote of the county commissioners, had been denied by the commission and the applicant appealed. Both sides came to the hearing armed with petitions signed in the vicinity. Each contained approximately 200 signatures. Ministers Testify. Three ministers of churches in Ceresco testified that they circulated petitions among their membership and advised them in church of the availability of petitions. Roy Anderson, member of the school board in the rural district where the tavern would be located, created a stir when he exclaimed regarding sale of liquor: "There is no law. It is only the one with the most money and the best lawyer." Anderson said that in his opinion the only way to prevent trouble with liquor is to keep out liquor. He denied that the controversy arose because people of Swedish descent were dry and Czechs in the neighborhood wanted liquor. Own Opinion Mayor Elmer Pearson of Ceresco opposed the granting of a license 2 1/2 miles west of town. He admitted that the letter of opposition he had written the commission as mayor was his own opinion and that the board had not acted on it. Pearson was closely quizzed by both the commission and attorneys on his statement that he did not believe Wotipka and his wife were the "right kind of people" to operate a tavern. When pressed for specific reasons, he remained mute. The only answer that questioners could obtain was this opinion was based on "just their daily lives." Fear Reprisals The hearing was replete with innuendoes and opinions of people who did not attend the hearing. Fear of reprisals and damage to machinery by people not attending was related and all refused to give names of their informants. Otis Beaman, county supervisor, testified as to the differences of opinion on the county board at the time the application was approved. Among those called as witnesses were" Henry Tvrdy, Ted Pospisil, George Vanicek, Willard Beaman, Henry Fiedler and John Krafka, all nearby farmers, and Ed Raymond, grocer, all in behalf of the applicants. Alfred Burkland, farmer, was opposed in addition to the ministers, Anderson and Otis Beaman. The hearing of oppoment witnesses carried over to the afternoon. | ||
47 | ![]() | 1804 Mercer Brown - Land Sale For Sale. 170 acres of land, lying in Columbia County, on Maddox creek, two and a half miles below Wrightsborough, with a grist mill, saw mill and plantation thereon, for terms apply to the subscriber on the premises. Mercer Brown. February 18 (note that Mercer Brown b. 1781 is selling land originally purchased by his father Mercer Brwon b. 1740) | ||
48 | ![]() | 1822 - Transaction involving negro man named Jack Sheriff's Sale One negro man, named Jack, levied on and returned by a constable as the property of Peter Donaldson, to satisfy an execution in favor of Daniel Dill vs. said Donaldson. Conditions, cash - purchasers to pay for titles. Daniel Savage, Sheriff R.C. October 5 | ||
49 | ![]() | 1825 - Daniel Dill fails to appear for jury duty State of Georgia. } SS in the Mayor's Court City of Augusta. } It appearing in the Court, by the Sheriff's return, that Benjamin G. Sims, Ephraim L. Whitlock, David Smith, Daniel Dill, and Green B. Holland, had been duly summoned to attend this court as jurors, and had made default: Or heed, that they each be fined in teh sum of ten dollars, unless sufficient excuse be filed with the clerk, on oath, on or before the first day of the next term. True extract from the minutes of February term, 1825. Andrew Jackson Miller, Deputy Clerk. March 19. | ||
50 | ![]() | 1825 - Daniel Dill to receive lost item 1 Apr 1825 LOST. On the 23rd inst a POCKET BOOK, containing sundry papers and a sum of money say 130 dollars, viz: $100 bill, Bank of Darien Georgia, No. 429 dated May 4th 1819, marked letter A. among the rest of the Bank Bills was a two dollar bill, fo the Bank of South Carolina, and two ten dollar Bills, on what Bank not recollected. A suitable reward will be given for its recovery. any person finding the same will please leave it with Mr. Daniel Dill, or Mr. Benjamin Cutliff, otherwise to the subscriber, Wm. L. Walker, of Lincoln County March 25 |