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31 Dec 1909 - Pierce-Gilchrist Wedding Announcement
Wednesday at high noon at the country home of Schuyler Pierce and wife, eight miles northwest of Lincoln, near Woodlawn, took place the marriage of their son, Winne W. Pierce, to Miss Bertha A. Gilchrist. The home was beautifully decorated with wedding bells and mistletoe. At the appoint hour with Miss Nellie Frasier at the piano the wedding party entered, led by Rev. J.W. Hilton of Cotner University, Bethany, followed by Roy White and Miss Leona Gilchrist, the latter a sister of the bride. Last came the bride and groom. After the brief but impressive ceremony the couple were greeted by a large group of friends.
During the moments which intervened before dinner Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Doggett, Mrs. W. E. Doggett and Miss Lillian Van Sickle entertained the guests with readings and music. A sumptuous dinner was served by Mrs. Pierce, assisted by her sister, Miss Ella Frasier of Lincoln, and others. A supper was also given in the evening to a large group of young friends who could not attend the wedding from lack of room.
The parents of the bride, John and Ellen Gilchrist, both died some fourteen years ago and she has won her way into the hearts of her friends by her earnest and womanly life. The groom is held in high esteem for his ability and sterling worth. After a short trip east Mr. and Mrs. Pierce will make their homewith the groom's parents on the farm. The following were present at the wedding: Dr. Elizabeth Fields, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. White, Roy White, Miss Gertrude White, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Doggett, Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Doggett, Miss Lillian Van Sickle, all of Lincoln; D. Gilchrist, brother of the bride; L.D. Grebe, Miss Nellie Frasier, Roscoe Frasier, all of Ashland, Neb.; Frank Gilchrist of Perry, Ia.; Miss Grace Keeler, Tomah, Wis.; Miss Leona Gilchrist, Fargo N.D.; Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Nelson, Raymond, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. Tremain and Fern Tremain of Malcolm; Mary Beeson, Arroyogrande, Cal., Mr. and Mrs. B.A. Wilkinson and son Harold of Bethany; and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fellwork.
File name | 1909-12-31 Nebraska State Journal.pdf |
File Size | 355.18k |
Linked to | Family: Pierce/Gilchrist (F341) (Married); Ella L. Frasier; Margarette Frasier; Nellie Irene Frasier; Roscoe Edwin Frasier; Daniel D. Gilchrist; Fanny Leona Gilchrist; Grace Keeler |
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