Högaskog Stora for Magnus Johansson and wife
Living at Stora Högaskog during this time were: Nils Persson, his wife Anna Persdotter and their son Johan Nilsson. Also drängen Magnus Johansson and his wife Maria Persdotter. Others on the farm were Maria Johansdotter, daughter Anna (?), Stina Bengtesdotter (?), (illeg.) Jonsson, Stina H(illeg.), Anna Stina Persdotter and Peter Johansson. Relationships, if any, of Magnus and Maria to others on the farm are not known.
File name | MarbäckHouseholdExam1817-1820_StoraHögaskg.jpg |
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Linked to | Magnus Johansson (Swedish HER); Maria Persdotter (Swedish HER) |