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19 Sep 1923 Zeno Bass obituary
Zeno Bass, son of Henry and Susannah, grandson of Arthur and Rebecca Bass, was born in Morgantown, Ind., on Sept. 29, 1844. Here he spent the early part of his life, and on February 21, 1866, he was united in marriage with Harriet Dill of Morgantown, Ind., who has been a faithful helpmate.
Seven children were born to this union ---namely Mrs. Emily Timmons of Valley, Nebr., Ora, who died at the age of twenty-five years; Mayo of Genva, Nebr.; Mrs. Ida Dillehay of Logan, Iowa; Zeno Jr. of Strahan; Louis of Malvern; and Mrs. Nannie Hodges of Hasting, Iowa. There are also twenty-six grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren, who with the widow and surviving children, are left to mourn his loss.
He moved with his family in 1867 to Kansas, where he resided for six years and then came to Iowa 1873, locating on a farm in Rawles township and here continued to make their home for thirty-nine years.
Not only was he a farmer of unusual ability, taking a great interest in keeping his farm one of the best in the community, but was also a true friend, often traveling miles to aid a sick neighbor. His interests were always in others, as might be demonstrated by his honest business dealing, making it a pleasure to business men to have dealing with him. He was a firm believer in all powerful God and accomplished much for his Maker. He was member of the Masonic fraternity since early manhood, taking great interest in its work and molding his life according to its teaching.
Coming to Malvern in 1912, he and his wife retired from farm life and built a beautiful home in northwest Malvern. There they continued to live until his death,September 19, 1923, having lived to the ripe old age of 78 years, 11 months and 20 days---a life of usefulness and a character worthy of emulation, and has left a vacancy that can never be filed.
September 21 was an ideal day and at his late home in Malvern funeral services were held in the afternoon at two o'clock, conducted by Rev. J. E. Wilkins of the Baptist church. People had come in large numbers from every part of the county to papay their respects to one of the fine pioneers of our county. Music for the services was provided by Messre. Robert Criswell, J. R. McClymonds and Mesdames F. R. Chantry and Lawrence Talbott. The Mascoic order---Fred Dickersbaugh, Yandell SeatonJohn Beckwith, Otto Kline, Clayton Roberts, C. Woodhill. His Masonic brothers of Malvern were present in good numbers as funeral escort. At the grave the ritualistic ceremony of the order was given by C.S. Royce, and truly impressive was it delivered.
There was present at the services Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Timmons and family of Valley, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Frasier, the latter a grand-daughter, of Ceresco, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. Mayo Bass, Geneva, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Dillehay of Logan, Iowa. One remarkable fact stated in the annals of Zeno Bass Sr. was that he had never been sick previous to the illness that came upon him some few weeks ago. This isindicative of the fine life he lived. Few men or women of 79 years have such a record. One cannot speak of such a man in other than complimentary words. Zeno Bass Sr. has such a record as neighbor and citizen that any man would not be criticized for envying him. For near two score years he lived and labored on the same farm, aand kept well physically. He dealt fairly with everyone, and thus won the friendship of scores with whom he had business relations. In his life his children found an inspiration that gave them a right view of life. He did not need official honors to make him a marked man. His character and life were such as to give him the highest regard by his neighbors. Several years ago Mr. and Mrs. Bass divided their property among their children, in full confidence that those children would meet ttheir obligations to their parents. The children's ministrations to father and mother proved their devotion, and the splendid teaching in the home circle. No children could ask a richer legacy than the Bass children received from their parents as to life's duties and responsibilities.
File name | 1923-09-19 Zeno Bass obituary.jpg |
File Size | 4.29m |
Dimensions | 4165 x 5896 |
Linked to | Zeno Bass (Death) |
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