Eket entry for Peter Anders Johansson family
Eket is listed as Frälsehemmet (tax-exempt farm) 1 mantal, owner Grefve (Count) Bonde.
Arrendator (tenant farmer) on 1/2 mantal is Enkl. (widower) Peter Anders Johansson. He has a new wife, Hilda Sofia Petersdotter (married 7 Jul 1883) who is listed at the bottom of the page as a maidservant. Others in the household are children from his first marriage, Anders Gustaf, Anna Charlotta, Emma Kristina and Karl August. Anders Gustaf leaves for Lommaryd on 31 Jan 1881; Anna Charlotta leaves for Askeryd on 23 Oct 1881 and Emma Kristina leaves for N. Amerika on 2 Oct 1882.
Banns for Peter Anders were announced on 17 Jun 1883. Banns for Anna Charlotta were read on 17 Sep 1882. Anna Charlotta is still listed as "baptistiska tänkesätt" which translates as "Baptist mindset" and a "No. 3" is noted.
Pigan (maid) Hilda Sofia Petersdotter arrived in the household on 1 Jan 1883 from Flisby. There is also a note about her being now named Hilda instead of Hedda.
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Linked to | Peter Anders Johansson (Swedish HER); Anna Charlotta Petersdotter (Swedish HER); Emma Christina Petersdotter (Swedish HER); Hilda Sofia Petersdotter (Swedish HER); Anders Gustaf Petersson (Swedish HER); Carl August Petersson (Swedish HER) |