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Lydia Timmons obituary (Malvern Leader)
Mrs. Lydia Timmons
The sad news reached here Tuesday evening of the death of Mrs. S. Timmons of this place at the home of her son, Chas. F., south of Pacific Junction. Mrs. Timmons went over there Tuesday, Jan. 23, to stay a few days with her son's children while he was out in Nebraska. She was apparently in the best of health at the time and had been feeling pretty well all winter; but the Thursday following or two days after going there, she was suddenly very sick and although everything possible was done for her and the best medical help secured, she passed away Tuesday afternoon of this week. The remains were brought to Malvern yesterday to her late home and the funeral occurred from the Methodist church at eleven o'clock today conducted by Rev. W. W. Bollinger, of the Methodist church and was largely attended by her old friends and neighbors. Lydia A. Bennett was born in Clark County, Ohio, Feb. 1, 1839. She was married to Salathiel Timmons Nov. 26, 1859. To them were born two children, Chas. F. of Pacific Junction and Effie N. who is at home with her father.
They came to Iowa in 1881 an located in Boone county where they resided until 1891 when they came to this county locating on a farm two miles north of town where they lived until last year when they moved to Malvern. She united with the M.E. church in 1882 and has ever since lived a consistent christian life loved by her family, neighbors and friends. Her loss is sincerely mourned by all who know her and our warmest sympathy goes out to the lonely husband and sorrowing children.
Owner of original | Sara Frasier Sellgren |
File name | 1906-02-08 Malvern Leader Lydia Timmons obituary p1.JPG |
File Size | 1.41m |
Dimensions | 2551 x 3299 |
Linked to | Lydia A. Bennett (Death) |
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