Matches 951 to 1,000 of 1,024 » See Gallery
# | Thumb | Description | Info | Linked to |
951 | RussellTimmonsFamily024 | |||
952 | Säby Household Exam, Öfrabo, 1812-1815 Lars Larsson family | |||
953 | Salathiel Timmons | |||
954 | Salathiel Timmons household Salathiel Timmons, 48, m, farmer Liddie A., 44, f, keeping house Charles F., 22, m, farmer Effie N., 14 F Household 110. Salathiel and Charles both registered to vote. | |||
955 | Salathiel Timmons household Salathiel Timmons, 60, m, Farmer, Methodist Company A, 123 Illinois Infantry Lydia A., 56, f Effie N., 26, f | |||
956 | Salathiel Timmons obituary (Malvern Leader) Death of Salathiel Timmons The death of our fellow townsman, S. Simmons whose illness was mentioned in last week's Leader occurred Monday morning. He was taken with a stroke of paralysis Friday April 29 but rallied afterward and seemed to be improving up to the morning of his death when he was suddenly taken worse and died within a few minutes. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock from the Methodist church and was conducted by the pastor Rev. W. A. Black and the remains laid to rest in the Malvern cemetery. Salathiel Timmons was born in Madison County, Ohio, January 19, 1935 and died in Malvern, Iowa, May 2, 1909, being aged 74 years. While a resident of Illinois, Mr. Timmons served as a volunteer in the 123rd regiment Illinois Infantry, for three years, being honorably discharged in 1865. Mr. Timmons was converted to the religious life in Boone county, Iowa, in 1882 and immediately united with the Methodist Episcopal church. His conversion was clear and decisive, and he has always been counted a consistent, earnest and faithful Christian man. Though the nature of his last sickness made is [sic] impossible for him to express himself in speech, he gave the most satisfactory evidence to those who spoke to him of religious things, that his soul was in perfect peace in fellowship with the Lord. While in the army Mr. Timmons suffered a severe attack of typhoid fever, losing for a time the power of speech. It is doubtful whether he ever recovered his full strength. His first stroke of paralysis occurred in 1902, the second on the 24th of April, just past, and the third and fatal stroke on the third of May, this current month. There are left to mourn his loss the two children of the family, Mr. Charles F. Timmons of Ashland, Neb., and Miss Effie M. Timmons of this place. Mrs. Timmons departed this life three years ago. Our departed friend was a warm, sociable disposition and was well known in this part of the county, and was universally beloved. He was an indulgent parent, a faithful husband, a kind neighbor, a true citizen, a consistent Christian, a noble man. With all he was patient, and uncomplaining sufferer through all the time of his protracted weakness and disease. For such a man the sunset of this life is the day break of immortality. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to our neighbors and friends who so kindly sympathized and assisted us during our late bereavement, and also for the floral offering. Effie N. Timmons Chas. F. Timmons and family |
Owner of original: Sara Frasier Sellgren |
957 | Salathiel Timmons obituary (Mills County Tribune) S. Timmons S. Timmons, whose serious illness was mentioned last week, died Monday morning at 8 o'clock at his home in Malvern. The funeral was held at 3 o'clock this Tuesday afternoon at the Malvern Methodist church. Obituary later. |
Owner of original: Sara Frasier Sellgren |
958 | Salathiel Timmons obituary (Mills County Tribune) Salathial [sic] Timmons Salathiel Timmons was born in Madison County, Ohioh, January 19, 1835, and died in Malvern, Iowa, May 3, 1909, aged 74 years. He was married to Lydia A. Bennett of Clark County, Ohio, November 26, 1859. Mr. and Mrs. Timmons moved to Illinois in 1860; thence to Boone county, Iowa, in 1881; thence to Mills county in 1888 and from the country into the town of Malvern in 1904. Mr. Timmons served in the Civil war as a volunteer in the 123rd regiment Illinois infantry, for three years, and was honorably discharged in 1965. Mr. Timmons was convered to the religious life in Boone county in 1882, and united with the Methodist church. His conversion was clear and decisive, and he has always been counted a consistent, earnest and faithful Christian man. While in the army. Mr. Timmons suffered a severe attack of typhoid fever, losing for a time the power of speech. It is doubtful whether he ever recovered his full strength. His first stroke of apralysis occurred in 1902, the second on April 24, 1909, and the third and fatal stroke on May 3. There are left to mourn his loss the two children of the family, Charles F. Timmons of Ashland, Neb., and the wife died three years ago. |
Owner of original: Sara Frasier Sellgren |
959 | Salathiel Timmons obituary (The Opinion) Salathiel Timmons, a well known resident of Malvern died at his home in the north part of town early Monday morning of apoplexy. He had had a stroke several years ago and another a few days previous to his death hastening at the end. Funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from the Methodist Church and conducted by the pastor, Rev. W. A. Black. The deceased was a civil war veteran and had resided in and near Malvern for the past 21 years. He leaves a daughter, Miss Effie Timmons of this place, and one son, Chas. F. of Ashland, Nebr. |
Owner of original: Sara Frasier Sellgren |
960 | Sandlid farm entry for Johannes Eriksson family Johannes Eriksson household. Living at the Sandlid farm were Torp. (farmer) Johannes Eriksson, wife Maja Nilsdotter, daughter Maja, son Johan Erik, son Anders Petter, son Jonas, son Anders Gustaf and son Nils Aron. Son Anders Petter dies on 22 Aug 1846. Daughter Maja leaves for Espås in 1851. | |||
961 | Sandlid farm entry for Johannes Eriksson family Johannes Ericksson household. Living at Sandlid during this period were Torp. (farmer) Johannes Eriksson, wife Maja Nilsdotter, son Johan Erik Johansson, son Anders Petter (who died 22 Aug 1846), son Jonas, son Anders Gustaf, and son Nils Alfred. | |||
962 | Sandlid farm entry for Johannes Eriksson family Johannes Ericksson household. Living at Sandlid during this time were Torp. (farmer) Johannes Eriksson, wife Maja Nilsdotter, son Johan Erik, son Jonas, son Anders Gustaf and son Nils Alfred. Johan Erik leaves for Broddetorp in 1860; son Jonas goes to farm Espås in 1864; son Anders Gustaf also goes to Broddetorp in 1867. Son Nils Alfred (note he was Nils Aron in previous records) leaves in 1870 but returns in 1871 with wife Hedda Pettersdotter. They have a son Johan August born in October 1872 who lives only a week. | |||
963 | Search results for Ann Campbell | |||
964 | Skallycke farm entry for Gustaf Adolf Carlsson Enkl. (widower) Gustaf Adolf Karlsson is living at Skallycke with wife Johanna Josefina Johansdotter, whom he married on 22 Nov 1892. She has a daughter from her föregående (previous) marriage, Emma Maria Johansdotter. The family moves to Linderås on 19 Apr 1895. | |||
965 | Skallycke farm entry for Gustaf Adolf Carlsson family Listed on the Skallycke farm are: Arrendator (tenant farmer) Gustaf Adolf Carlsson, wife Clara Fredrika Jönsdotter and children Augusta Mathilda, Frans Gustaf and Carl JOhan Edvard. Something about 'written in 1871'. | |||
966 | Skallycke farm entry for Gustaf Adolf Carlsson family Living at Skallycke at this time are Eg (egare = owner?) Gustaf Adolf Carlsson, his wife Clara Fredrika Jönsdotter and their children Augusta Mathilda, Frans Gustaf and Carl Johan Edvard. The name of the prior owner, a Stjerngranat, is crossed out. | |||
967 | Skallycke farm entry for Gustaf Adolf Carlsson family Living at Skallycke during this time are Gustaf Adolf Carlsson, his wife Clara Fredrika Johansdotter, and children Augusta Mathilda, Frans Gustaf and Carl Johan Edvard. August leaves for N. Amerika on 1 Oct 1882. Frans Gustaf leaves on 18 Apr 1881 for Frinnaryd but apparently returns, then leaves for Bredestad on 5 Oct 1885; something about the "jernvägen" (railway). | |||
968 | Skallycke farm entry for Gustaf Adolf Carlsson family Living at Skallycke during this time are Gustaf Adolf Carlsson, wife Clara Fredrika Johansdotter and son Karl Johan Edvard Gustafsson. Son Karl has married Ida Christina Carlsdotter on 12 Feb 1887 and they have a daughter Adena Elisabeth. Karrrl Johan and his wife and child move away on 11 Nov 1890 and then Clara Fredrika dies on 28 Apr 1891. A note beside Carl Johan's name about leaving to marry Ida Kristina Karlsdotter of Ralingsås in 1884. Then beside the baby Adina's name: "fadder har vägrat låta döpa barnet" which translates as "father has refused to baptize the child". !! | |||
969 | Skärsjö entry for Isaac Hultman family Living at Skärjsö Säteri are Isaac Jonasson Hultman, wife Christina Cath. Olofsdotter and children Maria Christina, Jonas Peter and Brita Lovisa. | |||
970 | Skoglösa Nos. 5 and 14 entry for John Martinson family Jöns is first listed as a drängen (farm hand) but this entry is crossed out and he reappears lower on the page with his new wife Nilla Svensdotter and son Anders. The family departs in 1866 to another farm. Jöns' brother Lars is also listed as a farm hand. He (Lars) stays at this location until 21 Sep 1869 when he leaves for Amerika. | |||
971 | Smith Farm to Ernest 1907 From Christian Pearson to Ernest Pearson, W2NE4 Sec 26, R14N R6E, 80 acres | |||
972 | Smith Property 1897 From Schuyler Smith to Christian Pearson, W2NE4 Sec 26, R14N R6E, 80 acres | |||
973 | Socknen (parish) entry for Johansson orphans Living in the care of the parish (socknen) were Gustafva and her twin brothers August and Johan. Gustafva left for other work in 1855, as did August. Johan stayed until 1860. | |||
974 | Sörgården farm entry for Johannes Andersson family One of more than a dozen farm hands listed on this page. Arrived in 1850, left in 1853. Arrival in 1850 is cross-referenced to "Bergstena book p. 108" which is verified. Difficult to make out his 1853 destination. Looks like "Vareg" but can't correlate this to a know parish. | |||
975 | Stocking Precinct (Schafer) Property 1901 From Joseph Schafer to Christian Pearson, S2SW4 and W2SE4 Sec 32, R14N R7E, 160 acres | |||
976 | Stommen farm entry for Petter Larsson and family August Johansson is a farmhand for the Petter Larsson family, apparently unrelated. Family members also include wife Johanna Pettersdotter and children Frans Hilmer, Johan, Anna Maria, August and Anders Gustaf. Maid Britta Maja Andreasdotter also worked for the family. | |||
977 | Svante Johansson family HER 1864-1870 Måg (son-in-law) Svante Johansson 24 Jan 1836 Bergstena H. Johanna Svensdotter 19 Aug 1838 (före vigte) S. Johan Edwin 14 Oct 1859 | |||
978 | Svante Johansson family, 1864-1870 Tort Eg. Svante Johansson 24 Jan 1836 Bergstena H. Johanna Svensdotter 19 Aug 1838 Fullestad s. Johan Edwin 14 Oct 1859 Fullestad s. Janne 29 Nov 1863 Fullestad s. Carl August 5 Jan 1867 Fullestad d. Ida Charlotta 9 Dec 1869 Fullestad Broder (brother) August Johansson 6 Sep 1843 Bergstena | |||
979 | Svante Johansson HER 1853-1854 Arrives from p. 48 1853; departs to Fullestad Störg. 1854 | |||
980 | Svante Johansson HER 1855-1856 and 1859-1860 There are two entries for Svante on this page for two different periods of time. He arrived 1855 from p. 47; departs 1856 to Trålanda. He arrives 1859 from Trålanda along with wife Johanna Svensdotter and stepson Johan Edwin. | |||
981 | Svante Johansson HER 1856-1857 Arrives 1856 from Fullestad Söregard; departs 1857 for Fullestad | |||
982 | Sven Carlson and family, 1885-1886 Sven b 22 Jul 1853 Emma b 10 May 1860 Sven and Emma married 16 Oct 1882 Frans Emmanuel b 8 Oct 1884, bap 23 Nov 1884 Records entered into church book 7 Feb 1885 Family left in 1886 | |||
983 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. | |||
984 | Tångarne farm entry for Anders Håkansson family Living on Tångarne at this time were: Torp. Anders Håkansson, wife Maria Häggblad, son Johannes, son Andreas, daughter Anna Cathrine, daughter Cajsa, daughter Greta, son Anders, daughter Gustafva, daughter Maja Stina, and daughter Annicka. The oldest five children are shown as leaving the household at various times and to various destinations (refer to document image for details). The marriage of daughter Anna Catherina to Johannes Andersson is specifically called out with mention of their daughter Maja Cajsa. |
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985 | Tångarne farm entry for Johannes Andersson family Johannes Andersson household. Living on Torp. Tångarne at this time were: Johannes Andersson, wift Anna Cathrine Andersdotter (who died 26 Mar 1850), son Anders Petter, son Kalle, son Svante, daughter Gustafva, twin sons August and Johan, and a son Johannes who died May 1850 (probably related to his mother's death a couple of months earlier). Oldest son Anders Petter leaves the family in 1847 to work elsewhere. |
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986 | Tångarne farm entry for Johannes Andersson family Johannes Andersson household. Enkeman (widower) inhyses (lodger) Johannes Andersson was living at Tångarne with son Anders Petter, son Carl, son Svante, daughter Gustafva, and twin sons August and Johan. In 1850, sons Anders Petter, Carl and Svante all left home to work elsewhere. On 7 Aug 1853, Johannes died. Gustafva, August and Johan were put in the care of the parish (socknen). | |||
987 | Thornton Timmons death His parents are identified as Peter Timmons (born Ohio) and Nancy Dyer (born Virginia). | |||
988 | Timmons-Dyer Marriage The State of Ohio Fayette County. These are to certify that on Thursday the 22nd of Dec 1831 at two o'clock, Mr. Peter Timmons and Nancy Dyer were joined together in the Honorable state of matrimony by me a Minister of the Gospel. Jno. B. Moore | |||
989 | TNGDocs/Sweden/Jönköping/Lommaryd/LommarydBirthRecord1889_AdinaKarlsdotter.jpg | |||
990 | TNGDocs/UnitedStates/PassengerLists/1876-06-28WielandPassengerList_WinklerFamily.jpg | |||
991 | TNGDocs/UnitedStates/PassengerLists/NewYorkPassengerListsShipItaly1873May28Arrival.jpg | |||
992 | Toltan farm entry for Johan Erik Johansson Johan Erik is working as a farmhand, arriving in 1860 from Segerstad. No known relationship to the others listed on this farm. | |||
993 | Toltan farm entry for Johan Erik Johansson Johan Erik is listed as a drängen (farm hand) from 1861 until 1865, when he is listed as leaving for Varnhem. | |||
994 | Tontorpet farm etnry for Anders Eriksson family Living on the Tontorpet farm were Anders Eriksson, wife Maria Eriksdotter, son Erik, son Johannes and daugther Stina. Others also living in this dwelling; possible relationships are not immediately apparent. | |||
995 | Tostarp entry for Påhl Assassarson family | |||
996 | Tubbarp entry for Gustaf Ad. Carlsson Gustaf is listed as a farm hand at the Tubbarp farm, along with many other farm hands and maids. He appears to be listed alongside his brother Carl Johan Carlsson but the birth date is 1826 not 1836. This birth year was difficult to read on other documents. Carl Johan arrived in 1855 and left in 1856; Gustaf arrived in 1856 and left in 1857. His marriage to Clara is mentioned. | |||
997 | Tubbarp entry for Gustaf Adolf Carlsson Living at Tubbarp are Carl Samuelsson (born at Marbäck), wife Maja Lena Israelsdotter (born at Lommaryd) and children Maja Stina, Gustaf Adolf, Sven Israel, and Carl Johan. Maja Stina leaves for a time but returns. Both Gustaf Adolf and Carl Johan leave to work elsewhere. Hard to read, but Carl Johan may have married during this time as well. | |||
998 | Tvärslätt farm entry for Sven Svensson family Carl is working as a farmhand at Tvärslätt for Sven Svensson (no known connection to Carl based on cursory review). He arrives in 1856 and leaves in 1859 with destination Gökhem. | |||
999 | U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995 | |||
1000 | U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 |