Road 13 Genealogy

a history of the Rudeen and Rademacher Families

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Lydia Bennett death certificate (not found)
Lydia Bennett death certificate (not found)
Owner of original: Sara Frasier Sellgren
Lydia Timmons Obituary
Lydia Timmons Obituary
Doings of the Death Angel
Mrs. S. Timmons

Mrs. S. Timmons of Malvern died rather unexpectedly Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of her son, Charles Timmons, four miles south of Pacific Junction.

She had gone there two weeks before and in a few days was taken sick. Death resulted from blood poisoning of the kidneys.

Mrs. Timmons was 76 years old and leaves a husband and two children - Miss Effa Timmons living at the home.

Short funeral services were held at the home of the son at 1 o'clock Wednesday, after which the remains were taken to Malvern and at 11 o'clock Thursday regular funeral services were held at the Methodist church conducted by her pastor, Rev. Bollinger.
Owner of original: Sara Frasier Sellgren
Lydia Timmons obituary (Malvern Leader)
Lydia Timmons obituary (Malvern Leader)
Mrs. Lydia Timmons

The sad news reached here Tuesday evening of the death of Mrs. S. Timmons of this place at the home of her son, Chas. F., south of Pacific Junction. Mrs. Timmons went over there Tuesday, Jan. 23, to stay a few days with her son's children while he was out in Nebraska. She was apparently in the best of health at the time and had been feeling pretty well all winter; but the Thursday following or two days after going there, she was suddenly very sick and although everything possible was done for her and the best medical help secured, she passed away Tuesday afternoon of this week. The remains were brought to Malvern yesterday to her late home and the funeral occurred from the Methodist church at eleven o'clock today conducted by Rev. W. W. Bollinger, of the Methodist church and was largely attended by her old friends and neighbors. Lydia A. Bennett was born in Clark County, Ohio, Feb. 1, 1839. She was married to Salathiel Timmons Nov. 26, 1859. To them were born two children, Chas. F. of Pacific Junction and Effie N. who is at home with her father.

They came to Iowa in 1881 an located in Boone county where they resided until 1891 when they came to this county locating on a farm two miles north of town where they lived until last year when they moved to Malvern. She united with the M.E. church in 1882 and has ever since lived a consistent christian life loved by her family, neighbors and friends. Her loss is sincerely mourned by all who know her and our warmest sympathy goes out to the lonely husband and sorrowing children.
Owner of original: Sara Frasier Sellgren
Lydia Timmons obituary (Malvern Leader) p 2
Lydia Timmons obituary (Malvern Leader) p 2
Lydia Timmons obituary (Mills County Tribune)
Lydia Timmons obituary (Mills County Tribune)
Mrs. Lydia Timmons - Obituary

Lydia A. Bennett was born in Clark County, Ohio, Feb. 1, 1839, and died in Mills County, Iowa, Feb. 6, 1906. She was married to Salathiel Timmons Nov. 26, 1859. To them were born two children - Charles F. of Pacific Junction and Effie N., who is at home with her father.

They came to Iowa in 1881 and located in Boone County where they resided until 1891 when they came to Mills county locating on a farm tow miles south of Malvern where they lived until last year when they moved to Malvern. She united with the Methodist church in 1882 and has ever since lived a consistent Christian life loved by her family, neighbors and friends.

We wish to express our sincere thanks to our neighbors and friends for their kindness and help in our late sorrow, by the death of our wife and mother. S. Timmons and C.F. Timmons and family.
Owner of original: Sara Frasier Sellgren
Mar 1923 Inez Timmons obituary
Mar 1923 Inez Timmons obituary
Mrs. Ivan Timmons Answers Summons

After Long Illness She Passes Away at Lord Lister Hospital Following an Operation -- Funeral Held Tuesday

Mrs. Ivan Timmons passed away Saturday morning at 9:15 o'clock at Lord Lister hospital following an operation for appendicitis and adhesions. She had been seriously ill for several weeks, but had improved to some extent and on Sunday, March 2, she was taken to Omaha where she was operated upon. She could not cover, however, and lingered only a few days. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and the body laid to rest in the Ashland cemetery. That Mrs. Timmons was a general favorite among her friends and acquaintances was attested by the profusion of beautiful cut flowers and floral pieces that were sent by loving friends.

Inez Nora Timmons was born October 29, 1893 in Saunders county, Nebraska, and departed this life March 8, 1924, at the Lord Lister hospital, Omaha, aged 30 years, 4 months and 9 days.

On August 27, 1913, Inez was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Ivan Timmons; to this union was born one child, Ruth Ellen.

Except for about one year spend elsewhere, Inez has made this vicinity her home during the greater portion of her life. At the time she was stricken with illness she was with her husband was residing on a farm north of Ashland.

In the year 1919 she became obedient to her Lord by accepting Jesus Christ as her personal savior and uniting with the Christian church of Ashland. Her noble life as a mother, wife and Chrisitan attests that Heaven is made brighter and earth more lonely now that she has gone. Patient in meeting the trials of life, she was even more paient while suffering through the long weeks before death came to claim her.

She leaves to mourn her death a husband, Ivan, one child, Ruth Ellen, a father and mother, T.C. Carey and wife, Julia; two brothers, Earl Carey of Bayard, Nebr., and Clifford Carey, of Sahland; and three sisters, Mrs. Mae Cook, of Bayard, Nebr., Ethel Vandeman, of Scotts Bluffs, Nebr., and Ruth Harrier, of Valley, Nebr. Other friends and relatives will miss this sweet and gentle woman from the circle made dear by her charming character.

Funeral services were conducted from the of T.C. Carey, Rev. E.R. King, pastor of the Christian church, officiating.

Relatives and friends from out of town who were called here by her death and to attend the funeral services were: Mrs. Mae Cook, of Bayard, Mrs. James Vandeman, of Scotts Bluff, Mrs. Charles Harrier, of Valley, Mr. Louis Bass, of Malvern, Ia., Mrs. and Mrs. Charley Timmons, Mr. and Mrs. Marrier, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Timmons, of Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Timmons, of Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Frasier, of Ceresco.
Marbäck Västergård entry for Magnus Johansson and wife
Marbäck Västergård entry for Magnus Johansson and wife
Living at Marbäcks Västergård at this time were Magnus Johansson and his wife Maria Persdotter.
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
Margareta Jonsdotter household
Margareta Jonsdotter household
Living with widow Margareta Jonsdotter. She is probably too old to me Kerstin's mother so not sure if this is even a relative.

Eka. Margta. Jonsdotter, 25 Sep 1773
Hans Hansson, 7 Apr 1826
H. Kerstin Jonsdotter, 4 Dec 1828
D. Helena 28 Jul 1853
D. Karin 16 Feb 1855
Maria Sophia Gyllenståhl death
Maria Sophia Gyllenståhl death
13 December Enka Wällborn Capitain Maria Sophia Gyllenståhl på Lillinholmen
Marriage Certificate for Gust Rudeen and Augusta Gustafsdotter
Marriage Certificate for Gust Rudeen and Augusta Gustafsdotter
Marriage Gunnar Nilsson and Boel Jönsdotter
Marriage Gunnar Nilsson and Boel Jönsdotter
First banns on June 7; marriage on July 17
Marriage Jonas Hultman and Christina Jönsdotter
Marriage Jonas Hultman and Christina Jönsdotter
Marriage Jonas Peter Hultman and Anna Johansdotter 1837
Marriage Jonas Peter Hultman and Anna Johansdotter 1837
Marriage Jonas Peter Hultman and Maja Johansdotter
Marriage Jonas Peter Hultman and Maja Johansdotter
Marriage Jöns Larsson and Sissa Jönsdotter
Marriage Jöns Larsson and Sissa Jönsdotter
7. Fas Söndag (probably Fastlagssöndagen or Quinquagesima - March 2) Dräng i Åbon i Dybeck Jöns Larsson samt beskedliga (? good) Pigan Sissa Jönsdotter från Skoghuset, vigde 8 April
Marriage Lars Larsson and Anna Stina Fredriksdotter
Marriage Lars Larsson and Anna Stina Fredriksdotter
Nämne och Enckom (widower) Lars Larsson i Öfrabo och Pig. Anna Fredrichsdotter
Marriage License Håkan Olson and Bengta Nilsdotter 16 Jul 1875
Marriage License Håkan Olson and Bengta Nilsdotter 16 Jul 1875
Hakan Olson (son of Ola Anderson and Anna Anderson). License issued and marriage occurred on 16 Jul 1875. Witnesses were W.E. Higgins and E.M. Menzel. Menzel was the county probate judge.
Marriage Nils Olsson and Botil Jönsdotter
Marriage Nils Olsson and Botil Jönsdotter
Husman Nils Olsson på N. 80 Hörby af Mjällby socken och pigan Botil Jönsdotter i N. 5 Norje.
Marriage of Eric Ahlfort and Maria Sophia Gyllenståhl
Marriage of Eric Ahlfort and Maria Sophia Gyllenståhl
Wällborn (Honorable) Hr. Capiten Eric Ahlfort
Wällborn (Honorable) Jungfru Maria Sophia Gyllenståhl
Morgongåfvor (dower) 500 ducater
Marriage of Frans Gustaf Gusafsson and Anna Augusta Joesfina Malmberg
Marriage of Frans Gustaf Gusafsson and Anna Augusta Joesfina Malmberg
Marriage of Gustaf Adolf Carlsson and Clara Fredrika Jönsdotter
Marriage of Gustaf Adolf Carlsson and Clara Fredrika Jönsdotter
Groom (age 23) is dräng (farm hand) at Nobynäs and bride (age 26) is a piga i tjänste (maid in service) at Nobynäs. Banns were read on May 4, May 11 and May 18. First marriage for both.
Marriage of Håkan Ericsson and Karna Svensdotter
Marriage of Håkan Ericsson and Karna Svensdotter
In order for Håkan to be able to marry he had paid off Bengta Nilsdotter in Agerum SEK 130 as a foster pay for an illegitimate child they had together in order for her to withdraw any claims. This deal was shown in writing and a copy of it was archived at the church.
Marriage record for A.G. Brodd and Gustafva Johansdotter
Marriage record for A.G. Brodd and Gustafva Johansdotter
Marriage Record for Hilda Maria Petersdotter
Marriage Record for Hilda Maria Petersdotter
Marriage record for Joseph Novak and Lydia Pearson
Marriage record for Joseph Novak and Lydia Pearson
Marriage record for Måns Persson and Stina Carlsdotter
Marriage record for Måns Persson and Stina Carlsdotter
Marriage Record for Nils Mårtensson and Anna Andersdotter
Marriage Record for Nils Mårtensson and Anna Andersdotter
Banns read on Nov 4, 11 and 18.
Marriage record for Per Påhlsson and Johanna Tufvesdotter
Marriage record for Per Påhlsson and Johanna Tufvesdotter
Marriage record for Peter Anders Johansson
Marriage record for Peter Anders Johansson
Marriage, Måns Persson and Cajsa Persdotter
Marriage, Måns Persson and Cajsa Persdotter
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
Meeting Notes - Ortman Descendants
Meeting Notes - Ortman Descendants
Notes from a conversation with
Mary Dunn, Ben Pfeiffer, Clem Pfeiffer, and Betty Sullivan
October 15, 1995
Melvin Johnson wedding invitation
Melvin Johnson wedding invitation
Merritt Property 1891
Merritt Property 1891
From Lizzie Merritt to Christian Pearson, W2SW4 Sec 26, R14N R6E, 80 acres
Moving In Elna Nilsdotter 1862
Moving In Elna Nilsdotter 1862
19 Nov 1862 p. 213 Pig. Elna Nilsdotter
From Mjellby
To No. 7 Grödby
Moving In entry for Gustaf Adolf Carlsson family
Moving In entry for Gustaf Adolf Carlsson family
Line 4. Entry reads Torparen (farmer) Gustaf Adolf Carlsson med hustru i barn (with wife and children). Only Gustaf is listed by name.
Moving In ledger for Nils Mårtensson and wife
Moving In ledger for Nils Mårtensson and wife
from Skivarp to Dybeck
Moving In record for Anders Gustaf Petersson
Moving In record for Anders Gustaf Petersson
Line 8. Anders Gustaf Petersson arrives on 11 Nov 1881 from Lommaryd to Katrineholm.
Moving in record for Anders Gustaf Petersson
Moving in record for Anders Gustaf Petersson
From Marbäck to Nobynäs
Moving In record for Anna Greta Magnidotter
Moving In record for Anna Greta Magnidotter
Line 17. Anna Greta Magnidotter arrives from Askeryd to Marbäck Västergård.
Moving In record for August Johansson
Moving In record for August Johansson
Line 35. Left Bergstena, moving into Lena; cannot decipher destination. Record contained in Lena parish books.
Moving In record for Carl August (Johansson) Rudeen
Moving In record for Carl August (Johansson) Rudeen
Line 29
Moving In record for Carl Johan Edvard Gustafsson and family
Moving In record for Carl Johan Edvard Gustafsson and family
Line 87. Trävaruhandel (lumber trader) Karl Johan Edvard Gustafsson and family move to Forserums Klockaregård. His wife Ida Kristina and his daughter Adina Elisabeth are not mentioned by name.
Moving In record for Christian Pearson
Moving In record for Christian Pearson
Dr. (farm hand) Christian Pearson arrived from Riseberga.
Moving In record for Christian Pearson
Moving In record for Christian Pearson
Christian arrives at Bröda No. 1 in Allerum parish.
Moving in record for Frans Gustaf Gustafsson
Moving in record for Frans Gustaf Gustafsson
Line 6. Stationskarl (station hand) Frans Gustaf Gustafsson moves to the Aneby Station (p. 54)
Moving In record for Franz Gustaf Gustafsson and wife
Moving In record for Franz Gustaf Gustafsson and wife
Line 74. Stationsk. Frans G. Gustafsson and wife arriving from Bredestad, staying at Flisby Station.
Moving In record for Gustaf Adolf Carlsson family
Moving In record for Gustaf Adolf Carlsson family
Line 4. Gustaf Adolf Carlsson and family move from Bälaryd to Skallycke. (Wife Clara Fredrika and children Augusta Mathilda, Frans Gustaf and Carl Johan Edvard are not mentioned by name.)

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