The birds are singing, so what better time for the theme of “Music.” Any musicians in the family? How about someone who loved music and dancing? What about someone who makes you think of a song?
I could write for many weeks on this topic. Love of music is evident on all parts of my family tree. I won’t start to name all the musicians because it would take up too much space and still I would forget someone.
Here is a special photo from 1922 that features both of my grandfathers – but when they were still single and yet unaware they would become connected some 36 years later! They both played cornet. I am related to at least six other band members in this photo either by blood or marriage.

“As sure as the Lord made little green apples, that band’s gonna be in uniform!”*
Back row: Elmer Peterson, Herbert Hallberg, Carl Hagstrom, Earl Nelson, Art Walin, Fred Mostrom
Middle row: Jess Beaman, Louis Stanislaw, Elmer Pearson, Dan Brox, Ralph Gross, Phil Nelson, Al Lundstrom, Herman Knudson, Gus Johnson
Front Row: Hilding Lindstrom, Irvin Pearson, Frank Hughes, Herman Pearson, Alfred Nelson, Lawrence Rudeen, Arvid “Rick” Erickson, Phil Mostrom, Sam Gross
Here are some program materials – I believe these are from different concerts, but they played the same music at each. Note that the piano accompanist for the Male Chorus is none other that “Miss C. Hanson”, my grandmother (Clarinda).
*Professor Harold Hill, “The Music Man”
Pretty impressive group, considering the size of Ceresco & the times. Wonder what the population of the county was, then?