This letter stands out as one of my favorites in my entire collection of family history artifacts. It was written by Herman Brodd, the younger brother of my great-grandmother Clara Brodd. It was written just a few weeks before her wedding. I left the spelling as written – Herman betrays his Swedish roots throughout (‘ever’ […]
Lena Pearson to P.W. Pearson, 1901
I recently finished transcribing a whole series of family letters from my Frasier side of the family. Now I’m turning my attention to a collection of letters on the Pearson and Brodd side of the family. I will be transcribing about twenty original letters that cover a period from 1901 through 1925. I will be […]
A visit to Carbon, Wyoming
Friday morning I was sorting through some census records and logging them into my genealogy software (Legacy Family Tree). I came across a record for the Brodd family from 1880. So let’s review a bit about the Brodd family. Last time I mentioned them, we were in Sweden, exploring their farms and churches. At the […]
The Brodd Family
Mom’s paternal grandmother was Clara Elizabeth Brodd. Her parents, Anders Gustaf (Johanson) Brodd and Gustafva Johansdotter, along with Clara’s three older siblings, came to America in 1875. Our day was mostly devoted to exploring the churches and farms that were part of their lives A.G. Brodd was born at Sandlid farm in 1848. We found […]