John Martinson’s given name in Sweden was Jöns Mårtensson. He was born September 23, 1833 in Östra Vemmenhög parish in Malmöhus County, Sweden.
John Martinson Project: Introduction
John Martinson is my great-great-grandfather. He was born in 1833 in Kristianstad, Sweden and died in 1901 in Saunders County, Nebraska. By all appearances, he seems to have been a hard-working, ethical, and highly intelligent man.
Assorted Updates
News on several fronts this week: Fraser family DNA testing; Rudeen relatives in Sweden; and an upcoming Martinson project.
Incremental progress on Peter Dill line
I can report a small amount of incremental progress on my Peter Dill line. I’m working hard on Peter’s FAN club – the members of his circle of Friends, Associates and Neighbors who appear in the records
Social Media
This week we are tasked with writing about social media. Social media can connect us to people we otherwise wouldn’t have encountered. Have you made a family history discovery via social media?