I found a mysterious little postcard in my collection yesterday. It is written in Swedish and was sent to my great-grandmother Clara (Brodd) Pearson.
Whatever happened to Emma Christina?
When my great-grandparents Gust and Augusta Rudeen came to America in 1882, Gust’s younger sister Emma Christina traveled with them. Let’s take a look at her life and family.
Rademacher Family Reunion – 1956
We were given this photo by members of the Albert Rademacher family. It was taken on Wednesday, April 25, 1956. The occasion was the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Joe and Annie Rademacher.
Happy New Year
Wow, two big blog posts today after a couple months of silence. Here are some major accomplishments in 2024:
A biographical profile of Magnus Johansson
Magnus Johansson was my 3x-great-grandfather. He lived in Jönköping län (county) in the historical province of Småland, Sweden.