This is an interesting but kind of sad letter sent four months after the passing of my great-grandfather P.W. Pearson. J.W. Johnson first addresses his grand-niece Edna, thanking her for a letter she had sent previously.
Then he addresses Clara and offers an apology for something – he believes that Clara is upset with him but doesn’t understand why.
J.W. Johnson
305 Garfield St.
Laramie, Wyo.Oct. 15, 1920
Dear Edna Pearson,
I receved yours of the 7. Thanks I was glad to see your Grand Pa & Ma is geting along so well and all of you my folkes is all well. Exept my self I am not so well as I am use to be.Dear Clara, what have I done. Have I affend you in any way. I must ask you to forgeve me. I am a Poor writer & dectator. If I have writen someting not Proper you mus excus & forgive me. I asure you it is not my Intention to in any way hurt the feeling of anyone.
I am yours truly
J.W. Johnson
One explanation might be just the general emotional upheaval that occurs when people are grieving. Maybe things are said that are later regretted, or maybe there’s just a misunderstanding going on. Who knows.