This is the third letter in the Frasier series. This is again from William McKay to his cousin Edward Frasier.
Here are some photos of Edward around the time of this correspondence.

William’s letter mentions a “kissing bee”. As best as I can tell, this is a sort parlor game where the gentlemen would buy tickets and line up to kiss a girl, and the ticket proceeds go toward a charity fundraiser (in this case, the local Grange Hall).
Midland Wis
March 1st 1876Dear Edward
I received your letter a long time ago and ought to have answered it before but have been so busy and the days so short. I have not had much time. I don’t see how folks that get so many letters can answer them all do you?
It has been a very mild winter and not a bit of snow until Sunday. It snowed and hailed at night until their is 3 or 4 inches now enough to get up wood on. I had quite a lot choped down in the woods in sled lengths and Monday I went to work drawing it up and have got pretty near enough for summer wood. We had to draw our hay on the wagon it was awful rough work.
Old Geordy is trying to get a road through the marsh. They are coming out Saturday to see about laying it. If the Board don’t lay it he is intending to get Commissioners out but if they put on good men I don’t think they will lay it, at least I hope they won’t for we have enough roads on our place.
Tell Uncle the Grangers had a party at Mitchells on the night of Feb second, an Oyster supper and a kissing bee after it. Each one of the Grangers invited so many. Mitchells are very friendly with Kearns folks and would not offend them or they were invted and we were left out. I guess they had a good time.
Frank Louis is going to have an Auction Sale the 9th of this month.
Well Eddie I suppose by this time you have your woman picked out if you have you have done pretty well considering the scarcity of girls down there.
March 3rd
I will now try and finish. It has been showing so this week that we have good sleighing now but the days are so warm that it will not last long. Have you got sleighing? I got a Valentine this year and it is the prettiest thing you ever seen. Who do you supose would have sent it? I think I know pretty near who sent it. Ada got one too her was pretty but mine is prettier. Did you get any?
I think I will try and get along alone this summer excepting a few days at a time for it costs too much to Hire all the time and us in debt so much. It will be pretty hard to get along alone but I will have to put in less. Willie Andrews is working over to Berry’s, the man that bought McMahon out. He is well and is as full of fun as ever but has not grown a bit. Well Eddie I guess I have told you all the news so I hope this will find you all well as it leaves us. Tell Maggie and Ella that I will answer there letter soon and I am going to write to Aunt and Grandma in a little while. Give my love to all from all. Write soon, good by
Wm McKay
[Note in the margin:] We had a good deal of fun on the road Saturday but the Board did not give their decision yet. We will hear soon.