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"; } //Add the InnerModMenu wrapper to the appropriate Inner menu. //Figure out the ID of this program's Inner menu. var rrimmMenuID,rrimmAdminNote, labelButton; if (menuLocation == "innermenu") { if ($('#adm-innermenu').length) { //Admin program rrimmMenuID = '#adm-innermenu'; rrimmAdminNote = ''; } else { //End-user program rrimmMenuID = '#pub-innermenu'; rrimmAdminNote = "This menu is visible only to administrators"; } labelClass = "lightlink"; } else { // (menuLocation == "footer") if ($('#rrImmFooterAdmin').length) { //Admin program rrimmMenuID = '#rrImmFooterAdmin'; rrimmAdminNote = ''; } else { //End-user program rrimmMenuID = '#rrImmFooterPublic'; rrimmAdminNote = "This menu is visible only to administrators"; } labelClass = "snlink"; } // end IF location //Build a wrapper around the Inner Mod Menu html, and add it to the Inner Menu var wrapHtml = "
" + "" + menuLabel + "\n" + "
" + "" + "
"; //Add the menu structure to the appropriate div $(rrimmMenuID).append(wrapHtml); //Add the InnerModMenu contents to the wrapper inside the menu structure $('#rrimmDrop').append(html); //Define the height of the InnerModMenu, based on the count of lines (
tags) in the content. var rrNumLines = html.split('
').length; //Onclick function to toggle the display of the InnerModMenu when the user clicks //on any part of the menu that is not a hyperlink. This is the only way to //open or close the menu. When the menu is closed, only the menu's label is visible. //When the menu is open, its X does not need to explictly clicked to close the menu, //since the X is simply part of the menu div. $('#rrimmMenu').click(function () { $('#rrimmDrop').slideToggle(200); return false; }); }); //end document.ready function function rrimmMoreClick(event) { $('.more').toggle(); event.stopPropagation(); return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Onclick event handler to open a TNG Wiki page as a popup. //It is used both for the Wiki article hyperlink and the link to the Mod Options //section of the Wiki page. In both cases the article argument in the PHP code //is derived from the Mod Name function rrimmOpenWikiPage(article, anchor='') { if (anchor) anchor="#"+anchor; newwindow =''+article+anchor, 'wikiwindow', 'height=600, width=780, top=50, left=100, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=yes'); newwindow.focus(); return false; } //end function rrInnerMenuOpenWikiPage ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //This is the onclick handler for the Inner Mod Menu link that invokes the mod'sOpen //Mod Options editor (which is necessarily a TNG Admin>>Setup program). //The editor is invoked as a popup page. //For the two Admin>>Setup programs that have subforms, a default subform name is //used if the $subform parameter to rrimmBuildInnerModMenu* was not specified. function rrimmOpenConfigPage(configprogram, subform='', modid='') { if (configprogram.indexOf('.php') == -1) configprogram += '.php'; if (!subform) { if (configprogram == 'admin_genconfig.php') subform = 'robin13'; else if (configprogram == 'admin_pedconfig.php') subform = 'robin13'; } newwindow ="?open="+subform+'&mod='+modid, 'optionswindow', 'height=600, width=780, top=50, left=100, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=yes'); newwindow.focus(); return false; } //end function rrimmOpenConfigPage ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Onclick handler for the Inner Mod Menu "What has changed" link when it is an arbitrary URL function rrimmOpenOtherPage(configprogram) { newwindow =, 'otherwindow', 'height=600, width=780, top=50, left=100, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=yes'); newwindow.focus(); return false; } //end function rrimmOpenOtherPage ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Onclick handler for the Inner Mod Menu "What has changed" link when it just an HTML element function rrimmPopupElement(modname, element, width, height) { if (element.substring(0,1) != '#') element = '#' + element; var content = "
" + $(element).html() + "
"; var title = 'Changes made by '+modname; if (!width) width=500; if (!height) height=500; new LITBox(content,{type:'alert', width:width, height:height, overlay:false, title:title}); return false; } //end function rrimmPopupElement ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Onclick handler for the Inner Mod Menu "What has changed" link when it just text function rrInnerModPopupText(modname, content, width, height) { var content = "
" + content + "
"; var title = 'Changes made by '+modname; if (!width) width=500; if (!height) height=500; new LITBox(content,{type:'alert', width:width, height:height, overlay:false, title:title}); return false; } //end function rrInnerModPopupText
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