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"; } //Add the InnerModMenu wrapper to the appropriate Inner menu. //Figure out the ID of this program's Inner menu. var rrimmMenuID,rrimmAdminNote, labelButton; if (menuLocation == "innermenu") { if ($('#adm-innermenu').length) { //Admin program rrimmMenuID = '#adm-innermenu'; rrimmAdminNote = ''; } else { //End-user program rrimmMenuID = '#pub-innermenu'; rrimmAdminNote = "This menu is visible only to administrators"; } labelClass = "lightlink"; } else { // (menuLocation == "footer") if ($('#rrImmFooterAdmin').length) { //Admin program rrimmMenuID = '#rrImmFooterAdmin'; rrimmAdminNote = ''; } else { //End-user program rrimmMenuID = '#rrImmFooterPublic'; rrimmAdminNote = "This menu is visible only to administrators"; } labelClass = "snlink"; } // end IF location //Build a wrapper around the Inner Mod Menu html, and add it to the Inner Menu var wrapHtml = "
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tags) in the content. var rrNumLines = html.split('
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