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//Add the InnerModMenu wrapper to the appropriate Inner menu.
//Figure out the ID of this program's Inner menu.
var rrimmMenuID,rrimmAdminNote, labelButton;
if (menuLocation == "innermenu") {
if ($('#adm-innermenu').length) { //Admin program
rrimmMenuID = '#adm-innermenu';
rrimmAdminNote = '';
} else { //End-user program
rrimmMenuID = '#pub-innermenu';
rrimmAdminNote = "This menu is visible only to administrators";
labelClass = "lightlink";
} else { // (menuLocation == "footer")
if ($('#rrImmFooterAdmin').length) { //Admin program
rrimmMenuID = '#rrImmFooterAdmin';
rrimmAdminNote = '';
} else { //End-user program
rrimmMenuID = '#rrImmFooterPublic';
rrimmAdminNote = "This menu is visible only to administrators";
labelClass = "snlink";
} // end IF location
//Build a wrapper around the Inner Mod Menu html, and add it to the Inner Menu
var wrapHtml = "
//Add the menu structure to the appropriate div
//Add the InnerModMenu contents to the wrapper inside the menu structure
//Define the height of the InnerModMenu, based on the count of lines ( tags) in the content.
var rrNumLines = html.split(' ').length;
//Onclick function to toggle the display of the InnerModMenu when the user clicks
//on any part of the menu that is not a hyperlink. This is the only way to
//open or close the menu. When the menu is closed, only the menu's label is visible.
//When the menu is open, its X does not need to explictly clicked to close the menu,
//since the X is simply part of the menu div.
$('#rrimmMenu').click(function () {
return false;
}); //end document.ready function
function rrimmMoreClick(event) {
return false;
//Onclick event handler to open a TNG Wiki page as a popup.
//It is used both for the Wiki article hyperlink and the link to the Mod Options
//section of the Wiki page. In both cases the article argument in the PHP code
//is derived from the Mod Name
function rrimmOpenWikiPage(article, anchor='') {
if (anchor) anchor="#"+anchor;
newwindow =''+article+anchor, 'wikiwindow', 'height=600, width=780, top=50, left=100, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=yes');
return false;
} //end function rrInnerMenuOpenWikiPage
//This is the onclick handler for the Inner Mod Menu link that invokes the mod'sOpen
//Mod Options editor (which is necessarily a TNG Admin>>Setup program).
//The editor is invoked as a popup page.
//For the two Admin>>Setup programs that have subforms, a default subform name is
//used if the $subform parameter to rrimmBuildInnerModMenu* was not specified.
function rrimmOpenConfigPage(configprogram, subform='', modid='') {
if (configprogram.indexOf('.php') == -1)
configprogram += '.php';
if (!subform) {
if (configprogram == 'admin_genconfig.php') subform = 'robin13';
else if (configprogram == 'admin_pedconfig.php') subform = 'robin13';
newwindow ="?open="+subform+'&mod='+modid, 'optionswindow', 'height=600, width=780, top=50, left=100, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=yes');
return false;
} //end function rrimmOpenConfigPage
//Onclick handler for the Inner Mod Menu "What has changed" link when it is an arbitrary URL
function rrimmOpenOtherPage(configprogram) {
newwindow =, 'otherwindow', 'height=600, width=780, top=50, left=100, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=yes');
return false;
} //end function rrimmOpenOtherPage
//Onclick handler for the Inner Mod Menu "What has changed" link when it just an HTML element
function rrimmPopupElement(modname, element, width, height) {
if (element.substring(0,1) != '#')
element = '#' + element;
var content = "
" + $(element).html() + "
var title = 'Changes made by '+modname;
if (!width) width=500;
if (!height) height=500;
new LITBox(content,{type:'alert', width:width, height:height, overlay:false, title:title});
return false;
} //end function rrimmPopupElement
//Onclick handler for the Inner Mod Menu "What has changed" link when it just text
function rrInnerModPopupText(modname, content, width, height) {
var content = "
" + content + "
var title = 'Changes made by '+modname;
if (!width) width=500;
if (!height) height=500;
new LITBox(content,{type:'alert', width:width, height:height, overlay:false, title:title});
return false;
} //end function rrInnerModPopupText
This mod changes the layout of the Person Profile in several ways,
with the intent of making it easier to read. For example,
It moves some the profiled person's events below the person's Parent and Family data,
Adds headings (e.g. Parents, Family or Families, Media, Event Map) above each block of data, and
Moves 'metadata' (e.g. the personID, date of last change, and links to the Group Sheet and Family Chart) into headings.
It makes numerous additional changes, some of which are controlled by mod options.
See the Wiki article for details.
This mod hides the Child-to-Parent relationship if the relationshop is a list that is defined as a mod option.
The idea is that users don't need to see relationship values such as 'natural' or 'birth'.
25 Oct 1975 Irvin Pearson Sr. obituary Lincoln Star PEARSON - Irvin L., 52, Ceresco, died Monday. Farmer. Member Immanuel Lutheran. Survivors: wife, Iradelle; sons, Irvin Jr., William, both Ceresco; daughter, Rose Marie Pearson, Ceresco; brothers, Elmer, Herman, both Ceresco; sister, Mrs. Edna Brostrom, Corvallis, Ore. Nelson Funeral Home, Ceresco.
1. Irvin Leonard Pearson (ID:I712), b. 5 Jun 1937, Ceresco, Saunders, Nebraska, USA d. 31 Mar 2015, Wahoo, Saunders County, Nebraska, USA (Age 77 years)
: Address
: Location
: City/Town
: County/Shire
: State/Province
: Country
: Not Set
Source Citations
[S24] 1910 U.S. Census, "United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 November 2020), Herman Pearson in household of William Pearson, Richland, Saunders, Nebraska, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 152, sheet 10B, family 210, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1982), roll 855; FHL microfilm 1,374,868.
[S26] 1920 U.S. Census, "United States Census, 1920," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 November 2020), Herman W Pearson in household of William P Pearson, Richland, Saunders, Nebraska, United States; citing ED 162, sheet 12A, line 8, family 241, NARA microfilm publication T625 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1992), roll 1001; FHL microfilm 1,821,001.
[S28] 1930 U.S. Census, "United States Census, 1930," database with images, FamilySearch ( 8 December 2015), Nebraska > Saunders > Richland > ED 31 > image 4 of 14; citing NARA microfilm publication T626 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2002).
[S234] United States Marriage Records, (Name: Digital images.;), application for license and certificate of marriage.